Server Locations

9 Locations Across 4 Continents


HostWithLove offers our full portfolio of hosting services in a total of 9 locations across 4 continents, making us a truly global company. Only datacenters offering state-of-the-art facilities and operating the best networks available in the world are selected to house our servers. This ensures that your website's content is delivered to your audience at route-optimized speeds.

Singapore, SE Asia
Our Singapore datacenter provides great connectivity throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
Sydney, Australia
Our Sydney datacenter provides great connectivity to the whole of Australia as well as neighouring Oceania countries.
Miami, FL
Our Miami datacenter provides great connectivity to US East Coast, South America and Europe.
Dallas, TX
Our Dallas datacenter is strategically situated in US Central and provides great connectivity to all of the United States.
Los Angeles, CA
Our Los Angeles datacenter provides great connectivity to US West Coast as well as Asia.
Quebec, CA
Our Quebec datacenter provides great connectivity to the entire of Canada.
London, UK
Our London datacenter provides great connectivity to the entire UK, Nordic countries as well as the rest of Europe.
Amsterdam, NL
Our Amsterdam datacenter provides great connectivity to Western Europe.
Frankfurt, DE
Our Frankfurt datacenter is strategically located in Central Europe and provides great connectivity to all of Europe.

North America

Dallas, Texas

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Los Angeles, California

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Miami, Florida

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Quebec, Canada

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Frankfurt, Germany

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Roubaix, France

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London, United Kingdom

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Singapore, SE Asia

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Sydney, Australia

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